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Easter Egg Hunt Contest

Submitted by Garret

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Find all of the Easter eggs and you could win a prize!

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Couch Kitties

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I fits. I sits.

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The Ron Swanson Diet Plan

Submitted by Vic

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Follow these simple steps and you'll be beach ready in no time!

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Friday! Fork Yeah!

Submitted by Vic

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It's a forkin great day! So go fork yourself!

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Windy Ass Fr-EYE-Day!

Submitted by Bob

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OOOOOOklahoma where the wind come rushing through your house.

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April Showers Bring Redheads?!?!

Submitted by Bob

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Everyone needs a little red in their life.

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11 Awesome Outdoorsy Animals

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Some pets just prefer being outdoors.

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I Cross My Heart

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Tattoos are some of the best and easiest ways to express our faith and love for someone or something.

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Motivational Monday: You Can Do It!

Submitted by Don

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My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.

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Glamour Cats: Check Meowt

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Check Meowt.

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