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Get Your Chive On

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Chivers and Chivettes everywhere are going to meetups, supporting fundraising efforts, and otherwise being charitable badasses.

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Animals That Don't Suck

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Some people take one look at animals and wonder what all the rage is about. If the flat out awesomeness and cuteness doesn't win you over - you're humaning wrong.

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What day is it Mike?

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"Hey Mike.... Mike, Mike, MikeMikeMike... what day is it Mike?" Hump day is upon us, and we could not have asked for a finer lineup for our first thread.

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Tattoos-day With a Side of Curves

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Our Chivettes always look so good... but what could make them even hotter than they already are? Some classy ink. Curves and ink... 'Merica!!

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Chivers, Ink.

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Our Chivers decided to show a little appreciation for their fellow Chivettes, and have provided us with plenty of shots this afternoon. Enjoy, ladies.

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All Aboard the Tug Train

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Get your ticket on the tug train, and see all the sights that are to be seen. The sights to see on this ride are nothing but wondrous and jaw dropping.

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FLBP - Monday's Pick Me Up

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There's nothing better than a nice pair of sweater kittens to perk a Monday right up. Whether they're Future Lower Back Problems or Current Lower Back Problems - these are guaranteed to make you feel at least a little better today.

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Mind the Gap

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From the signs that tell you to mind the gap between the train station platform to the train car, theCHIVE put its own special twist on what "Mind the Gap" means. Let's go mind some Oklahoma bred gaps.

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Life's Ruff - Get a Dog

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Man's best friend steals the spotlight for today's episode of Mutt Monday. These youthful canines give more than enough reason to earn their famous titles.

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Selfie So Hard

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What is a Chivette to do on her Sunday? The obvious answer - Selfie. And in true Chivette fashion, they selfie so hard while making it look simply amazing. We <3 our Chivettes.

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Caturday is Upon Us

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Ahhh... one of our absolute most favoritest days of the week will get kicked off with one of our most favoritest threads evar. Life. Is. Good.

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Friday Night Football

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Tonight is the night, and one of the few opportunities you will get to see Oklahoma's own US Australian Rules Football team play in Tulsa, OK this evening. This is a game you will not want to miss!

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Frisky Friday the 13th

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We're not quite sure if it's the full moon or the fact that it's Friday the 13th, but our OK Chivettes seem to be rather frisky on this Friday afternoon.

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Fr-eye-day the 13th

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Get lost in some of the most mesmerizing eyes of some gorgeous Chivettes. Just another reason of why OK Chivettes are the best damn Chivettes out there.

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G-eye-day the 13th

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We know we're not very clever with the title, but we needed to find some way to repay back the Chivettes of the OK for all of those amazing eyeball submissions of theirs. This one is for the ladies.

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Gotta Burn 'em All

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When times are hard, and you've got a chill in your bones that just won't go away - sometimes... you've just got to burn your bra and sometimes the rest of your clothes to thaw out.

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Chive Everywhere OK

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Chivers all across Oklahoma are getting their Chive On in classy as fuck fashion. Take a look at just how some of your fellow Chivers and Chivettes rock the most epic shirts ever created.

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Random Berryness

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What do you get when you combine all of the various types of submissions that you can expect to see from Chivers paying back their Chivettes and Berries? Well... it looks a little something like this.

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OK Chive - Site Usage Guide

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There's plenty of flashy things that are available on the website, so we felt our Chivers should know exactly what they are. Even better, we want you all to know what fancy pants things we have planned for down the road.

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For Chivers

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This is just a very small gallery to prove to our Chivers that the filter at the top of the page can either hide or show whatever content you prefer to see - allowing our audience to filter out what they don't want to see so what they care about is delivered right to their fingertips.

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