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Food that makes you want to go nah nah nah nah!

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Don't Forget Your Towel!

Submitted by Ollie

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Out of the shower or out by the pool, don't forget your towel and grab a camera

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Redheads - I salute you!

Submitted by Chucks

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Redheads will brighten your day like the sun reflecting off their skin!

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Classy People Put Your Hands Up

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No Comments put them down because you just look silly sitting there with your hands up. Now pay attention!! Time to add a little class to this place.

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Hump Day!

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Guess what today is!? That's right Oklahoma, it's Hump Daaaaaay! Check out all of your homegrown and oh-so-fine humps right here. All the fine Oklahoma humps you could ask for!

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Submitted by Facey

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Did you know that theChive has a sister site called theBERRYOK? Well as one of the admins for theBERRYOK, we wanted to share some of what we are about as well as one of our favorite hashtag - #beardsthatBERRY.

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Some Animals Are Just Born Better Than Others

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Sad, but true - some animals are just born with an extra sense. What sense might that be? That sense that makes an animal remember how to be so awesome.

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Branded Chivers

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Ladies love a man with personality, a sense of humor, class, and knows how to treat a lady... and who is also tattooed... and smacks your ass and pulls your hair... the modern Prince Charming.

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Chivettes, Ink

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Chivettes and Tattoos - two of my absolute most favorite things combined into one thread. Take a look at the art that's been put on the canvas of our very own OK Chivettes.

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Get Your Flex On

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That moment when Chivers pay back their Chivettes by getting scantily clad themselves and flex what they've worked hard to get... yeah... that pretty much defines this thread. Drink it in, ladies.

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Rain, Shmain - MIND the GAP!

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Don't let this wet Oklahoma weather get you down. The best kind of pick me up for a late afternoon to help you coast into the home stretch are some impressive gaps from the best Chivettes out there.

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Party On, Wayne!

Submitted by Don

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As Chivers, we like to recognize other Chivers for their hard work and awesome giving spirit. Wayne Hicks is a man that constantly gives his effort and artistic flare to Chive communities across the nation, and for that we wanted to make this album showcasing all of his work.

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Military Monday - We Salute You!

Submitted by Lindsey

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As Chivers, one of the bigger things we like to do is highlight our military members. Regardless of if you're active duty, retired, or in the guard - we salute each and every one of you for defending our freedom.

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A Little Motivation

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Mondays suck as is... the weekend dumps you, wishing for a day off continues, and you're already looking toward the next weekend. These should help.

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Back Problems Never Looked So Good

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It's about that time of the week where we just simply appreciate the depreciation of another's lower back in the name of big boobs. Because boobs.

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Feeling a Little Frisky

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Only one thing you can do on a Friday and you're heading into the weekend... let your hair down, enjoy a drink, and get a little frisky on a Friday afternoon.

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Wonderful World of Fr-eye-day

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T.G.I.Fr-eye-day!! We've been getting more and more submissions of our beautiful Chivettes with some mesmerizing eyes.

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Wrapped and Draped to Perfection

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That moment when you're wearing a towel, and you notice how awesome it looks draped or wrapped around you... time for a selfie... or just how good you look.

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Redheads - Souls Optional

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We won't lie... we've got quite the fascination and appreciation for our ginger chivers and chivettes. Got to love their soul-stealing charm.

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Burn Them All

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When life holds you down, suffocates you, and restricts your every movement and breath.. oh wait... by life, we mean bras. Burn them all!!

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