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Work Happens, Sometimes

Submitted by Ollie

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The Daily Grind, we might show up to work, but that doesn't mean things get done, or right.

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Sometimes Work Happens

Submitted by Ollie

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It pays the bills.

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Work Strikes Again

Submitted by Vic

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Work hard to play harder, sometimes at the same time.

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Monday Sucks

Submitted by Facey

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Here's a little tune...

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12 Steps To Chiving At Work

Submitted by Vic

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With these easy-to-follow steps, your work day should pass like a breeze.

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Whistle While You Work

Submitted by Vic

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I'd rather do neither and just sit on the couch in my jammies all day.

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When Work Happens

Submitted by Vic

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Unfortunately it happens 5 days a week, well for most of us.

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But I Don't Wanna Go!

Submitted by Vic

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Whistle while you work? Can I just whistle while I sit here & stare into nothingness instead?

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Baby It's Cold Outside

Submitted by Vic

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Work happens, even when its crazy cold & stupid windy. Colder than a witch's titty in a brass bra & windier than a bag of farts, we Chive on through & get the job done, well kinda, or at least pretend.

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Someone's Gota Make The Donuts

Submitted by Vic

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The first 5 days after the weekend are always the hardest. Gota Chive on through.

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The Daily Grind

Submitted by Vic

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Until the weekend, work happens, so ya gotta just KCCO. What do you do when work strikes you?

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Bored At Work

Submitted by Vic

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When Chivettes get bored at work, magical things can happen.

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Sometimes What Happens? Work

Submitted by Vic

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If work was supposed to be fun, then they wouldn't have to pay you. That's why it's your duty to make the best of it & KCCO.

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