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Hey Misfit, The Floor Is Lava!

Submitted by Don

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If its treading... We want in. lol

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Kids, So Weird

Submitted by Vic

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All we can do is shake our damn heads.

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Kids Are Just So.....Strange!

Submitted by Ollie

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Kids are always saying or doing some of the strangest things, but I'm willing to bet, the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree!

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The Cuckoo's Nest Has Hatched

Submitted by Vic

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These kids aren't just cuckoo, they're straight nuts.

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Don't Try To Understand Them

Submitted by Vic

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Kids will just blow your mind. Trying to understand can cause bodily harm.

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Submitted by Vic

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I'm sure it all makes perfect sense in their own weird bass ackwards way.

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