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Do You See The Weekend?

Submitted by Ollie

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It's right here and it tastes DEVINE!

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It's Quitin' Time!

Submitted by Vic

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Cuz Thursday afternoon isn't for work.

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We Will Always Party Hard!

Submitted by Vic

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Cuz we work hard & we deserve it! Dammit!

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I Can See The Weekend

Submitted by Ollie

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And the Chivettes are getting frisky!

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Yessss! We Made It, High Five Bro!

Submitted by Ollie

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It's the weekend and it's also the float trip!

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Highly Inappropriate & Offensive

Submitted by Vic

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But who gives a sh*t!? The weekend is on the horizon.

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We Are Not Role Models

Submitted by Vic

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You don't tell your kids to be like us. You don't take us home to your parents, well, unless your mom is single. But, we are totally awesome & all that other stuff is FALSE!

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Cuz Friday!!

Submitted by Vic

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Let's get weird!

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Look, It's The Weekend and Now IDGAF

Submitted by Ollie

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The part of the week we've been busting our asses for! Now go out and have some damn fun!

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