Submitted by Ollie
If I was in Congress, I'd want this to be a thing, cause 'Merica and Freedom!
view moreWhat's life without a little alliteration on a Thursday morning? But, that's neither here nor there. The real fact is our Chivettes know how to burn the bras.
view moreIt's Thursday, and we all know what our Chivettes like to do... that's right - indulge in their pyromaniac-like ways and burn all the bras!
view moreThese Chivettes got a little too hot, and they did just what Nelly told them to do - take their clothes off. They started with their bras. If you celebrate Burnsday, get in here!
view moreWhen it's cold outside, bras never burned so good. OK Chivettes are stepping up their pyromania in this edition of Burnsday.
view moreThough it might not be breast cancer awareness month, we're advocating freedom for all tatas! We love them, want to save them, and if you love them you should set them free.
view moreWell... at least their bras. They've burned them in the revolution - Freedom for Sweater Kittens!
view moreStupid weather got all our Chivettes burning things... and we're not even mad about it.
view moreIt's getting a bit nonsensically cold outside. Thank the sweet, tiny, infant, 7lb baby Jesus for Chivettes burning things to keep us warm.
view moreWith the cold snap sweeping across Oklahoma, Chivettes in the OK are burning their bras to keep warm - and boy are we so ever glad that they did.
view moreBurnsday has quickly become one of our fan favorite galleries. But for us, it's nice to just be able to kick breast cancer back in the face with these.
view moreGame of Thrones reference, anyone? I mean, come on - it only makes sense considering the ridiculous amount of burnsday action we see on that show.
view moreFor those that don't know what the phrase, "Turkey's Done" means... go check Urban Dictionary. The rest of you - shall we celebrate Burnsday together?
view moreWith the weather staying consistently colder when the sun goes down, it's perfect bonfire weather. What better kindling than the restrictive tyrants that are bras.
view more"Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life" ... or boobs. - Buddha
view moreCome on, Pookie! Let's burn this motherfucker down.... Err... burn them off... burn all the bras off... all the way off...
view more...Gotta gotta get up to get down... gotta gotta get up to get down... anyone? If you can't tell, I'm a bit of a throwback mood for the week.
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