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Happy Birthday, Merica, F**K YEAH!

Submitted by Ollie

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Happy 4th of July!

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Protecting Your Freedom

Submitted by Ollie

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We Honor and Respect our military!

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Sun's Out, Gun's Out!

Submitted by Ollie

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Let off some steam and some lead!

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Motivated 'Merica

Submitted by Don

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USA Wins!

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Submitted by Vic

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Cuz 'Merica! No other reason needed.

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5 Facts About America You Don't Know

Submitted by Vic

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For the 4th, educate yourself on the past of this great country.

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Happy 4th of Jul-EYE

Submitted by Heather

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Veterans Day Part 1

Submitted by Lindsey

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Those serving past and present, OK Chive would like to thank you for your service!

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Veterans Day Part 2

Submitted by Lindsey

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To those who served and are currently serving, OK Chive would like to thank you for everything you have done!

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This Is My Rifle!

Submitted by Ollie

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There are many like it, but this one is Mine!

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With Liberty and Tugs For All

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'Merica - sweet land of liberty, and it's full of Chivettes. Just another reason why we're awesome. What's even better is that these Chivettes? They're OK Chivettes that live and love the tug life.

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