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The Colors Duke, The Colors!

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Dedicated to those that chose to decorate the walls of their temples with lively stories in brilliant colors.

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Meanings in Ink

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Everyone has their story, and some pieces just need to be immortalized to capture the significance of such. These Chivers and Chivettes have done that in fine fashion.

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Human Coloring Book

Submitted by Vic

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Some say the eyes are the window to the soul, some believe tattoos are the real windows. Maybe it's a lil bit of both.

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Burn All The Bras!

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Friends, Chivers, Chivettes - lend me your ears. The tyrannical reign of bras, and their overly oppressive nature must be put to an end. Burn all the bras!!

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For Every Tattoo A Story Lies Untold

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We all have a story - what made us who we are today and the path that we took to get where we are today. Sometimes, we commemorate our milestones in ink, and these Chivettes are no different.

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There's A Chill In the Air

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With the Fall season lurking in the not to distant future, some of us caught a bit of a chill. The best way to keep warm is to burn those bras.

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Sexy Bodies + Ink = Eye Candy For Days

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Tattoos exude pain and pleasure all at the same time. ~CHESTER BENNINGTON

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Show me a man with a tattoo...

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...and I’ll show you a man with an interesting past. ~Jack London

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Tattoos on the Best Canvases

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Tattoos by themselves are pretty damn amazing... but when they're on a Chivette, it simply amplifies just how awesome they are. It just goes to show you that the canvas is just as important as the paint.

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I Miss Soccer and Those Sweaty Tatted Boys

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One Nation, thirty-two teams, and hundreds of hot tattooed bodies.....I am now and forever will be a soccer fan.

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The FLBPs Reside Here, Good People!

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Brothers and sisters! Gather 'round, gather 'round, gather 'round, and experience the joy of Future Lower Back Problems!

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Beautiful Canvases

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“I am a canvas of my experiences, my story is etched in lines and shading, and you can read it on my arms, my legs, my shoulders, and my stomach.” - Kat Von D

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Let It Burn! Let Troy Burn!! And By Troy, I Mean Bras

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Looks like I've been watching a bit too many movies based on mythology again. 1st world problems. At any rate, these girls burned it just for us! Enjoy.

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Tattoos Are Windows Into One's Soul

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Those that have them, want more. Those that typically don't have them, want them. Quite simply, tattoos give you a deeper understanding of a person, and what all they hold true to themselves by displaying it on their canvas.

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My Tattooed Girlfriend > Your Girlfriend

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That's tattooed girlfriend is better than your girlfriend. According to a recent poll of incredibly biased Chivers, it's a proven statistic that tattoos make women hotter.

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