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An FLBP Kind of Day

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Monday is just one of those days where you need a solid pick me up... or in this case, a squishy one.

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Brr... Burn All the Things!

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It's getting a bit nonsensically cold outside. Thank the sweet, tiny, infant, 7lb baby Jesus for Chivettes burning things to keep us warm.

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What Does the Camel Say?

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"Hump hump hump hump humphumphump" - Camel

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Tugs for Days

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These Chivettes are so frustrated by the cold that they're tugging on everything to try and stay warm. And these OK beauties have tugs for days.

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No Adulting Today!

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Nope... we're not adulting today. Not even a little. I'm just going to stay in my bed all day along with the rest of these Chivettes.

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It's Cold! Burn all the Bras!

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With the cold snap sweeping across Oklahoma, Chivettes in the OK are burning their bras to keep warm - and boy are we so ever glad that they did.

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Tug Wednesday

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With yesterday being Veterans' Day, we simply chose to go easy on the risque threads. However, we don't like leaving some of our fans' favorite threads out of the rotation, so here you go!

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Body Paint + Superheroes = Amazing

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In the wake of Comic Con this weekend, I was browsing superhero stuff - totally nerding out. Then came across these. I am still impressed when I see these.

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Burnsday, Burnsday, Everybody Loves Burnsday

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Burnsday has quickly become one of our fan favorite galleries. But for us, it's nice to just be able to kick breast cancer back in the face with these.

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Stupid Camel

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I think it's official that the damned Hump Day camel has forever tainted the phrase "Hump day!". It isn't stealing any beauty from these Chivette's humps.

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Will Tug for Food

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It's cold outside, and sometimes you've got to do what you've got to do to keep the cold at bay. These Chivettes definitely know how to tug.

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FLBP Disease

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The growing number of D-cups and larger has created a pandemic sweeping the United States known as Future Lower Back Problems Disease - or FLBP Disease.

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Tug, Tug, Tug Your Boat... Wait, What?

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Yeah... didn't think that one all the way through. Nevertheless, here's some tugs to cure what ails you on this Tuesday morning.

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Don't Go Tugging My Heartstrings

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These Chivettes definitely know how to get their tug on. Enjoy these tug shots in today's edition of Tug Tuesday.

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It's Rainy Out - Best to Stay In Bed

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Why would you ever want to get out of bed? It's raining... it's pouring... but these Chivettes will definitely give you plenty of reasons why you should definitely stay in bed.

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Selfie Sunday

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Nothing helps pick up your spirits due to the pre-Monday blues than a nice selfie Sunday thread. Today's version is 100% OK Chivettes, and showcasing their semi-amateur photography skills.

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HMOTB? What the toast is that, you ask? It stands for: Hot Men Of The Berry.

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