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Motivated Mindset

Submitted by Don

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Refresh your attitude and adjust your thinking!

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Stay Motivated, The Storm Can't Last Forever!

Submitted by Don

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Let it go. There are some things, some people, some attitudes, and some feelings that you have experienced that you just need to let go ~ because they are preventing you from living your greatest life! You are in charge. Exercise your power by consciously looking and asking the question..."How is this serving me by holding on to this attitude, anger, lack of forgiveness, grudge, or negative emotion?" Stop allowing these things to rob you of your peace of mind, happiness and well-being.

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Dude Has Humps Like A Lady

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A Berry special edition of Hump Day, brought to you by the lovely ladies at theBERRYOK!

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Motivational Monday: Your Future Is Bright!

Submitted by Don

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Get rid of them! Kick your fears, excuses and reasons for procrastinating to the curb. It is time to act boldly on your own behalf! Decide to live a larger life! Refuse to play it small or safe. This is not a game. It is your life. Stop trying to please everybody else and make their life better. You can serve others best when you are centered and live a happy life!!

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Wake Up Motivated!

Submitted by Don

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Happiness is a choice that you make every moment of every day. Hold it in your mind, pursue it with passion, show it on your face, create it within yourself, and then bring it out for the world to experience!

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Be a Light in the Darkness, Stay Motivated!

Submitted by Don

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Get your hustle on! Do what you were meant to do! Step up your game like never before. Snap out of it! There is more in you, but you have to reach for it and dig deeper to take it to the next level. Stretch your imagination, tap into your creativity and expand your best thinking.

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Motivational Monday: BFM

Submitted by Don

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Bill Murray Crashes Bachelor Party & Gives Inspiring Love Speech: "You know how they say funerals aren't for the dead but for the living? Bachelor parties are not for the groom, they are for the other guys. So, I'm going to give you all advice, because it's too late for this one."

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Motivational Monday: You Can Do It!

Submitted by Don

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My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.

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Wake Up & Stay Motivated!

Submitted by Don

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Focus on recharging your batteries, and clearing out all of the things in your life that no longer fit or do not represent who you are. Move with a sense of urgency to create a space that allows you to become centered, grounded and connected with your mental, emotional and spiritual power.

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This Sh** Will Motivate You!

Submitted by Don

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Do not let anyone steal your dream! The world is full of dream killers...

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The Motivation You Need!

Submitted by Don

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Look around the spaces of your life, and take time to clean up, clear out, and throw out what does not serve you. Do you own the stuff in your life...or does it own you? Learn to live with less. The more you release...physically and mentally, the more space you will create for new energy, new relationships and friendships, and brand new perspectives on life. Sometimes ~ less is more! Free yourself to live a life you love! You deserve!

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Motivation starts with one awesome thought!

Submitted by Don

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You must take action that will move you towards your goals. Develop a sense of urgency in your own life. Stop putting yourself at the back of your own line.

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Motivation is all around you!

Submitted by Don

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Take personal responsibility for who you are, what you want for your life, what you do, and how you live. You are the only person who knows what's best for you. You can achieve it!! #KCCO

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Bitches Love Brunch!

Submitted by Bob

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Our Berrys went to Austin for the first official Berry Brunch and had a blast!

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Wake Up Motivated & Filled With Positive Thoughts

Submitted by Don

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Change your THINKING ~ Change your LIFE! Your thoughts create your reality. Practice positive thinking. Act the way you want to be, and soon you will be the way you act.

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Your power is beyond your comfort zone. Be an Inspiration!

Submitted by Don

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Say YES to a bigger life. Experience the fear of making the decision. Then, DO IT. Make the decision to live from a place of power, rather than fear. Make the decision to be true to yourself, to live a life of no regrets. Les Brown

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You Have the Power to Motivate!

Submitted by Don

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Know your worth! Do not fall into the trap of believing that who you are and what you're worth is dependent upon who you're with or what you have. No one can give you self-worth. You decide to let someone take that away. Become aware of how you medicate the pain in your life.

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When you're Motivated, Extraordinary things are Possible!

Submitted by Don

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Dream BIG. Create a "no matter what" mindset for success by challenging yourself to do GREAT things. Say GOODBYE to the you that has to go away forever, in order to say HELLO to the next extraordinary version of yourself. You deserve it!

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Don't Limit Your Motivation

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It is time to use all of your knowledge, abilities and skills to bring out the full expression of who you are. You have what it takes to create a new life for yourself. Make it happen!

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HMOTB OK: Tuggers

Submitted by Facey

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Go ahead, boy, you take this Tuesday to tug at them clothes.

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