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Submitted by Vic

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Thank God it's Monday. Time to start over.

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I Live For Eating

Submitted by Vic

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Just wasting time 'til the next meal.

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Let's Get Fancy As F*ck for the Stars and Stripes Ball

Submitted by Heather

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Attention Ladies! The Ball is in 5 weeks! Have you thought about what you are going to wear?

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No Ducks Given

Submitted by Vic

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Stupid Autocorrect

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These Pets Will Rock Your Socks Off

Submitted by Vic

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Or maybe they'll just chew them up.

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Turn That Motivation To 10!

Submitted by Vic

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We're cranking it all the way up on this Monday morning, so get up & get moving!

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We Will Always Party Hard!

Submitted by Vic

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Cuz we work hard & we deserve it! Dammit!

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Animals That Don't Suck

Submitted by Vic

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These pets do awesome things, all the time.

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A Trip To Chow Town

Submitted by Vic

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With a stop in Flavorville.

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Pets That Are Opposite Of Un-Awesome!

Submitted by Vic

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They're pretty much unsucky & nondumb.

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Just Humping Along

Submitted by Ollie

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Sweet, sweet Wednesday!

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Submitted by Vic

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The toughest job in the history of ever, ever, period.

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Chive On - Owasso's 2 Year Anniversary For Trent

Submitted by Ollie

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It's been 2 years TODAY, since a special little boy needed help from Chivers.

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The Power To Move You

Submitted by Vic

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So get up! GO!!

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I Smell Grilling Season

Submitted by Vic

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This heat won't scare off a real grillmaster.

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The Freakin Weekend!

Submitted by Vic

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It's time to cut loose & throw one back! You deserve it.

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Oklahoma Law Enforcement

Submitted by Ollie

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Chivers that made a career in Law Enforcement.

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I Can See The Weekend

Submitted by Ollie

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And the Chivettes are getting frisky!

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Burning Down The House!

Submitted by Ollie

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I'm sure the Chivettes will want to set something on fire when they look through here.

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Awesomest Animals Ever

Submitted by Vic

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The crazier, the funner when it comes to the pet world.

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