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I'm Not Sure What You're Impl-eye-ing

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Impl-eye all you want - fact of the matter is that these Chivers and Chivettes haz purdy eyes. Which is not to be confused with a "purdy mouth".

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My How Time Fl-eyes

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Just when you think you've got a grasp on the week, and you're adulting so hard... you realize time has just flown right by. Well - take a moment to appreciate these Chivers' and Chivettes' pretty peepers.

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Four Eyes are Sexier than Two

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There's just something about a girl in glasses.

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Yup! It's Fr-eye-day, and it's early... that's literally all there is about the surprise. That and we're probably having way too much fun being punny with play-on titles.

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Would You Like Fr-eyes With That?

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Hi, and welcome to OK Chive. Oh - you'd like an epic Friday Fun Meal and a Crown Royal and Coke? Fantastic! Would you like fr-eyes with that?

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Get Lost In These Eyes

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"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone." - Audrey Hepburn

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This thread is to display all the beauty that is right above the nose, ENJOY!

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Chivette Featurette: The Alluring Megan

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It's that time once again to celebrate not just the beauty of our local Chivettes, but also the amazing personality and heart that lies so neatly packed in that lovely shell. This week, we would like to introduce Megan - an aspiring nurse and long time BA Chivers Chivette.

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Bewitching Gazes

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No matter how hard you try to resist the mesmerizing gaze, the allure and mystique of the eye will always win over your willpower to resist.

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