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Submitted by Vic

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It gives me that tingly feeling down in my tummy.

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I Love To Eat, Eat Eat Eat

Submitted by Vic

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Eat all the things!

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So Sexy, You'll Eat It Up

Submitted by Vic

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Hot & steamy foods in honor of Valentine's Day.

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Gettin' Our Grub On

Submitted by Vic

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We abouts to eat all the things!

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Breakfast, The Meal Of Choice

Submitted by Vic

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All day, everyday, I choose breakfast.

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New Year, New Foods!

Submitted by Vic

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Try something new! Or don't, just get your grub on.

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Feed Me, Seymour!

Submitted by Vic

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Must eat all the things!

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Epic Meals

Submitted by Vic

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What makes a meal epic? Food!

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A Lil Slice Of Heaven

Submitted by Vic

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Heaven is real & it's smothered with cheese & greasy meats on a crispy chewy crust.

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Cake Is For Everyday!

Submitted by Vic

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No celebration needed, we eat cake on Tuesdays.

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Warm Your Belly

Submitted by Vic

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Fall has fallen, keep warm with a steaming hot bowl.

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It Puts The Food In Its Mouth-hole

Submitted by Vic

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All the tasty morsels, & not-so-morsellies, all in one spot.

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Put The Meat In The Bun

Submitted by Vic

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A sammich is a sammich is a sammich.

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All The Foods Of The Raindow

Submitted by Vic

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No discrimination here, we eat it all.

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Pizza, You The Real MVP

Submitted by Vic

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It takes the prize every time. Pizza, you win my heart. <3

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I Like To Eat, Eat, Eat, Eat

Submitted by Vic

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I like to eat all of the things.

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Breakfast Should Be A Holiday

Submitted by Vic

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Breakfast food fixes all things.

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Smoke & Char

Submitted by Vic

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Just like the cavemen days, all a man needs to be happy is a fire & a slab of meat.

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When Pig Met Cow

Submitted by Vic

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The best marriage since peanut butter & bananas. Whoever decided to put these together is my hero.

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Excuse Me While I Gorge Myself

Submitted by Vic

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Eating all the things is the only way to live.

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