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Shine On

Submitted by Vic

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Candy paint drippin'.

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It's On The Tip Of My Tongue

Submitted by Vic

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The weekend is on the horizon, stick out your tongue & show just how much you DGAF.

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Bare All

Submitted by Vic

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These Chivettes are showing no fear, going to battle without their war paint.

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The Cuckoo's Nest Has Hatched

Submitted by Vic

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These kids aren't just cuckoo, they're straight nuts.

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T Is For Tattoo

Submitted by Vic

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It's also for Tuesday & tacos.

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Mondays Are Ruff

Submitted by Vic

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Don't let it bite you in the a**!

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You Paid What!? For What!?

Submitted by Vic

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Just because you have the money & something exists, doesn't mean you should buy it.

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It's IDGAF Time!

Submitted by Vic

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I can see the weekend in the distance, pass me a beer.

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Breakfast Should Be A Holiday

Submitted by Vic

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Breakfast food fixes all things.

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Turn The Key, Punch The Gas

Submitted by Vic

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Throttle Thursday is coming in fast.

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Why The Long Face?

Submitted by Vic

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Cuz horse mask! Shenanigans are so much better when done wearing a mask. No Proof!

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Watch Where You Point That Thing

Submitted by Vic

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Unicorns! They're just so majestical.

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On Mondays, We Motivate

Submitted by Vic

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We all need a lil motivation from time to time, especially on Mondays.

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We Are Not Role Models

Submitted by Vic

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You don't tell your kids to be like us. You don't take us home to your parents, well, unless your mom is single. But, we are totally awesome & all that other stuff is FALSE!

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I Can Smell The Weekend

Submitted by Vic

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Let your hair done & your buns out.

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Smoke & Char

Submitted by Vic

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Just like the cavemen days, all a man needs to be happy is a fire & a slab of meat.

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What's Under Your Hood?

Submitted by Vic

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Big or small, loud, shiny, it doesn't matter as long as it goes fast!

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Goofy Girls Make The World Go 'Round

Submitted by Vic

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Hop on the bandwagon, everyone's gettin' themselves a goofy girl!

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These Pictures Broke the Internet

Submitted by Garret

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Burnsday + FLBP + Tugs + Humpday + MTG + Fr-eye-day + Randomness = Best Thread Ever

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Don't Try To Understand Them

Submitted by Vic

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Kids will just blow your mind. Trying to understand can cause bodily harm.

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