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Tugging Goes A Long Way!

Submitted by Ollie

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These Tugs will get us towards that Hump day!

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Eye Magnets!

Submitted by Ollie

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I know your eyes are up there, but your chest is like a magnet to my eyes!

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It's A Bona Fide Friday!

Submitted by Vic

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Cake Is For Everyday!

Submitted by Vic

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No celebration needed, we eat cake on Tuesdays.

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Naughty Naughty!

Submitted by Ollie

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No better day to get Frisky than on a Friday!

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Lucky Humps

Submitted by Garret

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11/11 is a lucky number... but who cares when it's Humpday?

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Teach Me How To Tuggy!

Submitted by Ollie

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Don't think they need a choreographer to learn this move, we call the Tug!

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Let Them Be Free!

Submitted by Ollie

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How do you spell relief? BURNS

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Booty, Booty, Booty, Booty!

Submitted by Garret

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Some Animals Suck

Submitted by Vic

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These mostly definitely do not.

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Artistic Expression

Submitted by Vic

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What better way to express yourself than through your flesh?

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Getting A Little Tuggy In Here!

Submitted by Ollie

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Here's a Tug, There's a Tug, Everywhere's a Tug!

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Mondays Are Ruff

Submitted by Vic

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Get a dog.

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DeMotivational Monday

Submitted by Wolf

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Flipped the script on your motivation!!!!!!!!

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The Three B's!

Submitted by Ollie

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Boobs, Bewbs, and BAM....more Boobs!

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15 Hilarious Parenting Comics

Submitted by Vic

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All of these! All too true. All.

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Warm Your Belly

Submitted by Vic

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Fall has fallen, keep warm with a steaming hot bowl.

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Ouch, I Got Burnt!

Submitted by Ollie

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All the heat coming from these burnt bras are dangerous!

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Rump Day

Submitted by Garret

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Because what's Humpday without the rumps?

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Wack A Goof

Submitted by Vic

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It's a wacky kind of Wednesday.

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