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The Motivated Mind!

Submitted by Don

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The world needs Dreamers and the world needs Doers. But above all, the world needs Dreamers who Do. #KCCO

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Ahhh, FLBP's, So Refreshing

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Nothing like the refreshing sight of FLBP's to kick off your week.

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You'll Have To Pry It From My Cold, Dead Hands

Submitted by Ollie

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Famous words, by Charlton Heston, about our 2nd amendment!

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How Dubstep is Really Made

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I've always wondered how dubstep music was made.... the beeps, the boops, the distorted screams and violent robotic clicking sounds... such inspire.

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Whoop Caturday

Submitted by Vic

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Sandpaper kisses on a cheek or a chin- that is the way for a day to begin! Sandpaper kisses, a cuddle, and a purr I have an alarm clock that's covered in fur. Bobbi Katz

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iPhone 6 - Same Thing, But Bigger And Bendy-er

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Just when you thought all the hype of iPhone 6 was over... the news somehow finds a way to bring up issues with it. So rather than spread the boring and drab reports - we decided to report on what the internets had to say about it.

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I'm Not Sure What You're Impl-eye-ing

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Impl-eye all you want - fact of the matter is that these Chivers and Chivettes haz purdy eyes. Which is not to be confused with a "purdy mouth".

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Submitted by Vic

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To me, life without veal stock, pork fat, sausage, organ meat, demi-glace, or even stinky cheese is a life not worth living. -Anthony Bourdain

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Burn Those Motha' F***as Down!

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Come on, Pookie! Let's burn this motherfucker down.... Err... burn them off... burn all the bras off... all the way off...

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I Can't Drive 55!

Submitted by Ollie

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Not in any of these rides! All pedal to the metal!

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Submitted by Facey

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Chivers that are privileged to have a 'Partner in Crime' that we've fallen in mutual weirdness with.

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Awww Yis! It's Hump Day!

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Monday covers the front, Wednesday covers the back. Hump Day is here!

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A House Is Not A Home Without A Pet

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Cuz Tattoosday

Submitted by Vic

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Oh you got a tribal tattoo? And what tribe are you in exactly?

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Don't Go Tugging My Heartstrings

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These Chivettes definitely know how to get their tug on. Enjoy these tug shots in today's edition of Tug Tuesday.

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Freedom is not Free

Submitted by Lindsey

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Freedom isn't free- so it is the least we can do to give our soldiers a shout out!

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Mondays are Motivated Here!

Submitted by Don

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It’s always down to you and the choices you make. Work on the things you can change and never dwell on the things you can’t. You choose… ‘results’ or ‘excuses’… No one has ever given their BEST and regretted it. GO HARD, GO BIG-NO EXCUSES.

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The lovely chivettes of our great state have some amazing FLBPs!

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You Have The Right To Bear Arms!

Submitted by Ollie

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Deer Season, No Duck Season, No Rabbit Season! We don't care what season it is, cause in 'Murica we love to shoot our guns!

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We Put The Turd In Caturday

Submitted by Vic

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I lick your nose I lick your nose again I drag my claws down your eyelids Oh, you're up? Feed me -the cat

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