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Ready On The Firing Line!

Submitted by Ollie

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Finger Goes Bang, Gun Goes Pew Pew Pew!

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Submitted by Vic

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I went to a bar this weekend unlike any I've ever been to before. The bartenders enjoyed mixing drinks and out on a show while doing so. While mocking my wife's drink the bartender told me that every person has their own preference in drinks. Drinking is a journey you take by yourself and your bartender should be your guide. Mixing drinks is an art from, not just a job or hobby.

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A Bunch of Rons

Submitted by Facey

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"MMMmmmmmm...I look good. I mean REALLY GOOD. Hey, EVERYONE, come and see how good I look!!!" -Ron Burgundy

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Not All Cats Are A-Holes

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Ok... Maybe they are.

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I Wanna Rock!

Submitted by Vic

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Cuz fabulous big hair & glamorous close, welcome to heavy metal 1985!

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Windows to the Soul?

Submitted by Bob

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...Or the Devil's Playground?

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We Be Flexing

Submitted by Wolf

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Just some awesome people showing off their GAINS! Get in here and drool. You know you want to....

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Put This Meat In Your Mouth

Submitted by Vic

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Meat, meat, the musical food. The more you eat, the more.......MEAT!!!!!!

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Archives of Chives

Submitted by Garret

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There's so much Chiving, that it's hard to keep calm.

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I've Got A Bitchin' Camaro...or Bmw...or!

Submitted by Ollie

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Hell, even a swamp buggy!

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Oh, You Fancy

Submitted by Heather

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Burn This Mutha' Down

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It's burnsday and in fine fashion, our Chivettes are cranking up the heat by burning those bras.

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Kids Are From Uranus

Submitted by Vic

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If men are from Mars & women are from Venus, then kids are from Uranus. Because face it (and excuse my language) they're just bat-shit crazy!

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Not Just Man's Best Friend

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If your dog doesn't like someone, you shouldn't either.

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Back It Up and Snap It

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If you're a fan of humps, these Chivettes are definitely doing Hump Day justice.

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Permanent Ink

Submitted by Bob

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As a kid, did you get in trouble for drawing on yourself? Did you make those drawings permanent as an adult?

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They Didn't Choose the Tug Life

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...the tug life chose them. And thank you dear eight pound, six ounce, newborn baby Jesus that the tug life chose them.

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FLBP Is the Way To Be

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Being drug free is good and all, but having FLBPs... now that's just plain 'Murican.

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But I Don't Wanna Go!

Submitted by Vic

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Whistle while you work? Can I just whistle while I sit here & stare into nothingness instead?

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Call To Arms

Submitted by Wolf

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Military Monday and that's an ORDER!!!

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