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The Warrior's Heart

Submitted by Wolf

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Military Monday

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Your power is beyond your comfort zone. Be an Inspiration!

Submitted by Don

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Say YES to a bigger life. Experience the fear of making the decision. Then, DO IT. Make the decision to live from a place of power, rather than fear. Make the decision to be true to yourself, to live a life of no regrets. Les Brown

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Submitted by Facey

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Turn down for butt.

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Chiving From Coast To Coast

Submitted by Vic

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In the sand or in the snow, do you even Chive, bro?

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If It Fits, I Sits.

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Cats are jerks.

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He's A Killer Queen!!

Submitted by Vic

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Cuz this guy, GWD, and Freddie Mercury go hand in hand, or fist in fist. Plus, photoshop skills are on point!!

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Frisky Is As Frisky Does!

Submitted by Bob

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Breakfast Trumps All

Submitted by Vic

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The saying isn't, "BREAKFAST of champions" for no reason.

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A Stroll Down Memory Lane

Submitted by Vic

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Granted it's a stroll most of us don't want to take, through memories we wish we could forget.

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Jesus Built My HotRod!

Submitted by Ollie

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"Ding a ding, dang my dang a long ling long" - Ministry

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Corn-Fed Fellas

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Some women like their guys thick and corn-fed. I especially love a whole armful for man!

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Oh, It Burns So Good!

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Burning things never felt so right. With the cold snap sweeping Oklahoma, thank the good lawd that Chivettes keep us a little warmer by burning their bras.

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Humps - the Other, Other White Meat

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That's what we said. Now get your ass in here and enjoy these lovely Chivette lumps.

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Just Horsin' Around

Submitted by Vic

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No horse play!? Screw that! What fun is life if you can't horse around?

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Move Over, Dog.

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Sometimes our pets are just big bed hogs.

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Tie Tuesday

Submitted by Bob

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Chivers like to get fancy as f**k too. Tuesdays we pay back the Chivettes.

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Chivettes Choose the Tug Life

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These girls have fully immersed themselves in the tug life. And er-mah-gerd, Becky... do they make us look good.

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Yellow + Blue= Green

Submitted by Bob

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Warriors of the World

Submitted by Wolf

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Military Monday. One of the only cool things to happen on a Monday! Grrrr....Monday.

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You Have the Power to Motivate!

Submitted by Don

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Know your worth! Do not fall into the trap of believing that who you are and what you're worth is dependent upon who you're with or what you have. No one can give you self-worth. You decide to let someone take that away. Become aware of how you medicate the pain in your life.

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