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Bye Bye, Bras

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Every week we celebrate freeing the tatas with our Burnsday gallery. And for good reason! Bras are restrictive and are just an extra layer between Chivettes and their tatas' freedom.

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Lions, Tigers and Redheads....Oh My

Submitted by Heather

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Don't lose your courage or they will steal your souls!

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Plump Humps

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E'rybody loves Hump Day. Whether you're a fan of camels, Wednesdays, or amazing curves of our Chivettes, there's always a little something to appreciate on Hump Day.

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Sometimes You Just Gotta Tug

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When that feeling just crawls all deep-like into your soul and you just gotta tug on your clothes. If you have no clue what I'm talking about, then just take a look at what happens when that urge climbs up into our Chivettes.

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It's a wonderful world of color!

Submitted by Bob

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The Most Wacked Out Cartoons From Your Chilhood

Submitted by Vic

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Some you loved, others you may not even know, but watch them nowadays and they'll leave you saying, "Wait.........what!?".

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Best Pillows In the World

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If you haven't ever had a chivette's FLBPs to be your pillows... you are missing out on life. Memory foam ain't got shit on a nice FLBP pillow.

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Motivation is all around you!

Submitted by Don

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Take personal responsibility for who you are, what you want for your life, what you do, and how you live. You are the only person who knows what's best for you. You can achieve it!! #KCCO

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10 Extinct Snacks From the Past

Submitted by Chucks

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We did drinks last week, now we're doing some of our favorite snacks that are sadly no longer with us. (cues sad music)

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Fuzzy Wuzzy Was A... Cat?

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Fuzzy Wuzzy was a cat. Fuzzy Wuzzy was a brat. Fuzzy Wuzzy is a big fat Cat.

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On Friday...We Flex!

Submitted by Wolf

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Flex Friday. It's kind of a big deal around here.

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Look deep within.

Submitted by Bob

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How To Get Your Mouth Salivating

Submitted by Vic

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All the tasty foods, right here. Are you hungry yet?

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They see me Chiving, Tag You're It!

Submitted by Ollie

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Love spotting other Chivers on the road!

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When Work Happens

Submitted by Vic

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Unfortunately it happens 5 days a week, well for most of us.

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Burning All the Things

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It's Thursday, and we all know what our Chivettes like to do... that's right - indulge in their pyromaniac-like ways and burn all the bras!

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Just Girly Things?

Submitted by Vic

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I don't know, girls are weird. Here's what guys think when they hear the girly things.

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18 Of The Most Hilarious Tommy Boy Scenes

Submitted by Vic

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You know & love the movie. Here's some of my favorite scenes.

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Humps - the Elusive Creature

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In the wild, the elusive chivette humps are a rare and bee-yut-iful breed. Come observe them in their natural habitats.

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Tugs You'll Love

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Yet another chapter of Tug Tuesday that goes to show just why our Chivettes are the best. There are tugs that are done right and get all the yesses.

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