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Meet The Admins: Jason

Posted August 03, 2016
Submitted by Ollie
meettheadmins, Admin

Jason Keeley is one of the nicest , most generous, and sincere people I know, but also doesn't have a problem with telling people to "knock it the fuck off".   From his days with 405 Chive, they collected many cases of water for First Responders, coordinated relief efforts for tornado victims, and would be the first person to give you the shirt off his back. But i can't give all credit to Jason because I know his wife, Kelley, keeps him in line. He's been nothing short of stellar since joining the OK Chive Admin Team, glad to have him on our team. 


What are some of your passions? - Love to go camping or swimming.

What got you into theChive?- My buddy Chad showed me the app years ago and then I searched it on Facebook for local groups. Was an admin for several other groups before starting 405 Chive with Mary, then merging with OK Chive. 

Why do you continue to Chive?- I continue to Chive because I know I can make a change. I have a passion to lead by example. Not afraid to practice what I preach. 

Favorite Food? -Steak and potatoes.

Favorite Drink?- Bud light or Coke

Pet Peeve?- People driving slow in the left lane. Move the fuck over.


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