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What About Bob?

Posted July 06, 2016
Submitted by Ollie
Bob, Admin, Bona Fide OK Chive

When Bob isn't setting up volunteer efforts for food banks or OKC RAK A MILE's, he's either making decals for our members, or sipping on some foo-foo drink to match his brightly colored kicks, or sewing up his own stab wounds caused by Heather.  He's also kind of a big thing around the Chive office, cause that mofo loves to bake a batch of Diabeetus!

What are some of your passions?- "Music, movies, and eating cats"

What got you into theChive?- "I was eating cats and read the blog before it was the website. A buddy of mine told me to go check it out and I never looked back."

Why do you continue to Chive? - "Because of the amazing people we connect with and reach out to & eating cats."

Favorite Food? - "Mexican and cats"

Favorite Drink? -"Monster and kitty juice"

Pet Peeves? - "People that take advantage of others acts of kindness, people that chew with their mouths open, and fully mature, dirty stray cats."

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