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Why I Chive!

Posted May 20, 2016
Submitted by Ollie
whyichive, tenpercenthappier, chivecharities

Too often we lose sight of what it means to be a Chiver.  It's about championing for the underdogs, making a difference in other people's lives and our communities through Random Acts of Kindness. It's about supporting Veterans and First Responders, that risk their lives daily to keep us safe. It's about getting together and raising a glass while raising money for charity. To restore faith in humanity, when it appears that all hope is gone.

The Chivers I call family are those that give selflessly and not expect anything in return. Those that don't beg for free stuff, just because of a sticker on their car or because they have a Chive shirt on. Those that volunteer when called upon to help. So, ask yourself, "Why Do I Chive?"

Below are some reasons why the Bona Fide OK Chive admin team Chive and continue to bust their rears to plan special events, family days and community volunteering to clean up trash or spend a few hours at local food banks sorting through food to give to the less fortunate. We don't do it for a big ego, we do it to try and make a difference in Oklahoma, like Chive Charities has!

Chive Charities

Kellan suffers from Pallister-Killian Syndrome which will require lifelong therapy.

Isn't he adorable?

Kellan's signed poster from Chive Charities and John and Leo Resig

Charley is the most recent Oklahoma recipient. A veteran in need of some home improvements to make his quality of life 10% better.

Andrea Taylor created A Twist of Fate, after her son Aiden was diagnosed with this rare genetic disease. She has connected with several families around the world that are hoping for answers.

Billy Wynne was the lone survivor of a Life Flight helicopter crash, on their way to a call. He suffered 3rd and 4th degrees burns and amputations. 

Honoring the recipients at the Chive Charities Green Gala 2015. 

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