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A Chance to Play and Learn!

Posted October 25, 2015
Submitted by Ollie
specialneeds, specialplayground, specialkidscare, allinclusive, smilingkids, 10percenters, feels, charity, kids, children

One day, back in June, a coworker of mine asked if I had seen the news story about the only Special Needs daycare in Tulsa needing a playground. Watching the video the first time, my heart sank. I immediately sent it to the other admins asking them "What can we do to help?"  When we planned our first meeting with the daycare, Ms. Abbie and Ms. Jo gave us a tour, met some of the children, and then showed us their playground. When we stepped outside, it was much worse than what the news showed, old playsets, rusted helicopter and car, and even a mound of dirt they called the slide. The heart wrenching part of the story is when they told us that the wheelchair kids just watch from the sidelines. OK Chive had to get involved and help these kids get a playground. 

At Special Kids Care, they believe inclusive experiences for children, with and without disabilities, to include a sense of belonging, positive social relationships and development, and learning to reach their full potential. They wish to create a whimsical, park-like atmosphere to encourage connection, creativity, integration, movement and joy. A place where they can play together and just be kids.

The first phase of the project is complete, but there's still much more to go. October 30th at Fishbonz Owasso, we're having a meetup to raise money for the playground that was voted on by the Special Kids Staff and children. Find more info on Facebook. If you can't make it but still would like to donate, you can do so >>here<< and Be The Change You Wish To See In The World.

As you can see, this is the main equipment they have at the daycare. Old metal swing set, not up to ADA standards, and only has one swing.

Our OK Chive Executive Director, Stacy, AKA Facey, trying to take this helicopter for a spin. It's not quite the size she's used to working in. 

Everyone, meet Adrianna! She has Down Syndrome, but she loves making new friends and is always willing to help others. With a new playground, she'll be able to build her fine and gross motor skills. Speaking of friends, she's made a lifelong friend with OK Chive and our Assistant Exec. Director, JR. 

While we were getting the wheels turning, on what we could do to help out, we were gathering school supplies at our Social Hours. Special Kids became a recipient of some of these donations.  

And most recently, we asked OK Chive Nation to donate Latex Free gloves for diaper changing.

There's many requirements and ranks, that a Boy Scout has to complete, in order to earn the title of Eagle Scout, which includes a service project to benefit the community. Steven Quant had decided on building a musical Sound Garden for his. This is also where OK Chive decided to work on the first phase of our project. 

This is 8 year old, Jeremiah. He is wheelchair bound, due to Cerebral Palsy, and couldn't quite play in the Sound Garden after it was put in. We wanted to change that.  

With companies like Dolese donating concrete, the project started. Digging out sand and dirt, then laying the forms to make this Sound Garden wheelchair accessible. 

After the first airing of the story, News on 6 wanted to be updated on the efforts. All of the News stations came out for the Ribbon Cutting.  You can watch the original news story video here.

Jeremiah was excited and anxious to be able to cut the Ribbon. 

After the ribbon was cut, some of the kids got to play!

After playing for a bit, it was interview time. Jeremiah got camera shy.

Watch the Ribbon cutting here.

Best. Interview. Ever!

I think he approves!

We don't do things like this for the glory, but we do accept hugs. 

Thank you card made by the kids! If you'd like to donate towards the playground, you can do so >>here<<.

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