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Kellan Wood

Posted October 23, 2015
Submitted by Bob
Kellan, Chive Charities, Why we chive, 10% happier, PKS

Misti and Aaron Wood wanted to take a moment to say Thank you, thank you from the bottom of their hearts to The Chive, Chive Charites and Chive Nation. Chive Charites built Kellan his home, forever. Where he will live and have the opportunities to be the amazing, loving, heartwarming child he is. From the swing to the loft he has a place to call his own for the rest of his life. Having this spot will also allow Misti and Aaron to always keep him close. 

From Misti Wood:

Kellan's room is AMAZING!!  Chive Charities built a room for Kellan's daily therapy, and a place for Kellan to learn and grow. Kellan will live with us (his parents) the rest of his life, so this room will grow with Kellan during his life. So much thought has gone into this room to make it perfect for him. Several big windows so it will always be bright and cheerful, wide open space to learn to crawl and to one day take those first steps, a loft (for when he is older) to hide out in and play, a built in library for all of his favorite books, and eventually one day, will be Kellan's very own part of our home to call his "house" so that he can feel independent. I picture Kellan flourishing because of this space we are creating. I also picture Kellan growing up and becoming a very tall and big guy that will always be pure and will always be young. I picture Kellan never growing out of forts, snuggles from his momma, building legos, and never growing out of the magic of Christmas, or the fun of Halloween. Aaron and I don't deserve this huge blessing from Chives Charity but our son Kellan does, and I picture so many wonderful things because of it. KCCO

PKS or (Pallister-Killian Syndrome) is a chromosome abnormality when a tetrasomy of the short arm of chromosome 12 (12p) occurs for no known reason. It is also known as mosaic tetrasomy 12p, isochromosome 12p syndrome, or Teschler-Nicola/Killian Syndrome. Currently only 200 cases are known world wide, Kellan is one of them.

Along the the way Heather and I have become close with the Woods and their family. From the moment we met them we were truly inspired. They work as such an amazing team taking care of Kellan. The whole family does, when Kellan has a seizure even little Katie (big sister) jumps in to help out. We are honored to call them friends and OK Chivers.  Thanks for letting us be a part of your lives and amazing family.
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