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Chiver Spotlight: The Sandman

Posted September 22, 2015
Submitted by Facey
chiverspotlight, chivesohard, chivenation, soulofgold, longhairdontcare, BAChiver

Victor (Vic) MFN Sandman has been a Chiver long before it existed in our community. He and his brother, Chucks, helped form the BA Chapter and grew it into a phenominal community that is committed to giving back. Vic is the Okie that's responsible for the start of Rak-A-Mile. Often, he sits in the background of our group and cranks out the best website threads we have ever published. He spends hours of his week scouting the internets for content and original humor. If we had a 'Mac', It'd be him. Vic sets the chiver bar high and deserves all the praise and recognition.


What are some of your passions? Bacon, smoked meats, charity, pizza, unicorns, my wife's butt, oh & my family. I also enjoy the finer things in life like wheat beer, art & setting things on fire. Oh. And Whiskey. Totally Whiskey. Much Whiskey.

What got you into theCHIVE? It started with Caturday & some other funny posts, had absolutely nothing to do with hump day.

Why do you continue to Chive? It's all about the feels. & the oh so comfy shirts. & the bacon. Wait, I do get bacon for filling this out, right?

You've had quite the transformation. What was and is your motivation? My wife mostly, I can't be having her look sexier than myself. TheBerry's DaMo definitely helps me keep going along with seeing others transformations & Mark's abs. Also, I like pizza & tacos, a lot, but not the Baywatch jiggle when I run, so I had to do something about it. Plus, I have a 2 year old son, try being out of shape & keeping up with that.

If you had to choose one thing you like most about the local chive community? It's like a family. They're always open & welcoming to everyone, I can be myself & no one judges my weird.

The most random fact you know? The average person walks at a pace of 5km per hour. If you're average, get out of my way cuz you slow.

Favorite joke? How to catch a polar bear: 1. Cut hole in ice 2. Sprinkle peas around hole 3. When polar bear goes to take a pee, kick it in the ice hole. My grandpa used to tell it to me all the time when I was little.

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