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You Paid What!? For What!?

Posted August 31, 2015
Submitted by Vic
stupid, expensive, funny, random

Crazy, stupid, funny, weird? We love all the things. Send us pics of things, all the things. Submit it here or at

Electric Skates


Yea, cuz that's not a concussion waiting to happen.

Electric Skates

Platinum Gundam Figure


Cuz every kid needs a diamond encrusted action figure.

Platinum Gundam Figure

Nino's Caviar & Lobster Pizza


Just no.

Nino's Caviar & Lobster Pizza

Diamond Teabag


Gotta have that ice in my seet tea.

Diamond Teabag

Louis Vuitton Skateboard


What kid wouldn't love a skateboard that's strictly for looks? And no, it won't make you a better skater.

Louis Vuitton Skateboard

Diamond-encrusted Bluetooth Set


Cuz a regular Bluetooth set doesn't look stupid enough.

Diamond-encrusted Bluetooth Set

Mink Fur Coat For Dogs


Dogs can always use more fur.

Mink Fur Coat For Dogs

Million Dollar Fishing Lure


Every fish deserves a diamond meal before they become a meal.

Million Dollar Fishing Lure

Superlative Luxury Tee


If your tee isn't sparkly enuugh, here's one with diamonds.

Superlative Luxury Tee

Porsche Panamera


A stationwagon is still a stationwagon, no matter what size the engine is.

Porsche Panamera
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