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Teenage You Loved Who?

Posted August 12, 2015
Submitted by Shelley
NIN, hotboys, shefine, control, likeavirgin, mysocalledlife

Aside from the totally cool lava lamps and bead curtains....the sweet sweet smell of incense, the piles of dirty laundry and the magic 8 ball rolling had the crushes you dreamed about. Even rhymed about-

A peach is a peach. A plum is a plum. A kiss isn't a kiss without some tongue. So open up your mouth close your eyes, and give your tongue some exercise. 

The pushpins & tape that held up the posters of your crushes. Like- COVERED YOUR WALLS- I wanna see them. 

Who covered your walls in teenage lust & fantasy? 

Send in those pics to or directly upload them to the site >>>HERE<<<


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