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The #RAKit Wrap Up

Posted July 28, 2015
Submitted by
RAKit, RandomActsOfKindness, PayItForward, RakAttack, Community

Every day, Chivers from all over Chive Nation are encouraged to participate in Random Acts of Kindess. OK CHIVE spent this week doing several events related to #RAKit Week. OK Chivers started off volunteering their time in a food pantry preparing and packaging meals. During the week, our community participated in a state-wide scavenger hunt. Next, we attended a social hour at a local pub to gather water for local fire stations. Finally, Chivers and Chivettes donated their time and blood to the American Red Cross during a blood drive to give the ultimate RAK- one that could save a life. If you'd like to get involved in our community, like us on Facebook and join our closed group for more shennaniplans. (Follow the embeded links to see more from each event). 


DId you get a RAK this week and want to show it off? Email your pictures to or upload them directly >>>HERE<<<.

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