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2k15 #RAKit: Scavenger Hunt

Posted July 28, 2015
Submitted by Facey
RAKit, RAKAttack, ChiveNation, ScavengerHunt, TwinIt2WinIt

OK CHIVE participated in Chive Nation's #RAKit week and utilized all channels of social media for a state-wide scavenger hunt. Our OK CHIVE Admins got together over brunch (because Manmosas and Bloody Marys, Duh) and designed a plan for our members. We went out to specific locations, crafted a clue and then challenged our members to #TwinIt2WinIt. They had to figure out the clue and go to the specific location and twin the specific admin's picture. Pariticipation was well received and the clues were figured within hours of posting!!! It was a great time and we were able to RAK some pretty awesome swag!!!!

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