5 Facts About America You Don't Know
Posted July 03, 2015
Submitted by Vic
merica, america, usa, winners, facts, random, funny
These facts about our country's past are closely guarded secrets & 100% true. Don't ask me how I know, I just do. Enjoy, and then watch your back because Big Brother is now watching you. They Know.
The design for the American flag was inspired by the pattern on the underside of the bald eagles wings.
Benjamin Franklin wanted the raptor as the symbol of America but since it was dead they chose its closest living relative, it's cousin, the bald eagle.
George Washington designed Mt Rushmore, but it wasn't actually created til many years later when America conquered the Egyptians & stole the laser technology they used to create the Sphinx.
Contrary to popular belief, Teddy Roosevelt did not ride a moose across the river, it was a walrus, moose can't swim.
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