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Motivational Monday: It's Time!

Posted June 01, 2015
Submitted by Don
Motivated, MotivationalMonday, Motivation

You're not your pain or your past. Refuse to become a victim of any circumstance, prior experience, person, or worse - a captive of your past life replayed over and over in your own mind. Commit to do the hard work and the heart work, so that your past will not define who you are, or who you can become. No matter what has happened, you have the ability to live beyond any moment and to create a purposeful, meaningful and joyful life. You were born to be the hero and the hero of your own story. Embrace the possibility that everything that you have gone through can be used to make you gentle, kinder, more compassionate and loving with yourself and with others.
Begin to make courageous choices everyday that say you deserve to be happy. At any time, you have the power to begin again and to rebuild a new future and identity for yourself. Do something everyday which reminds you of your wholeness and of your power to heal your life. have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!  

~Les Brown 

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