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Motivational Monday: You Can Do It!

Posted March 30, 2015
Submitted by Don
MotivationMonday, Motivated, Motivation

Get centered and calm yourself down. An anxious mind can not take you where you need to go. Recognize that true power resides within you ~ never outside of you. Keep your eyes on the prize and do not allow yourself to be thrown off course. There is power in the pursuit of your dream.

Continue to go after your dream...regardless of the obstacles, rejection, or things that will be thrown in your path. Go around, go through, or leap over them and remind yourself what this dream really means to you. Going after your dream will give you power that you do not even know you have. Embrace the challenges because they build character, resiliency and faith. You were born to succeed. It's not over until you win! You have GREATNESS within you!

~Les Brown

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