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Monday Dose of Motivation 3-2-1 GO!

Posted October 27, 2014
Submitted by Don
#Motivation #MotivationalMonday

Your life is a gift to the world. Be the gift that you were born to be. Everything you have experienced up to now ~ the good, the bad and the ugly, can be used for a greater good. Regardless of what is going on around you, be thankful that you are still here. You have new thoughts, untapped strength and more skills that can be developed. Life is not through with you yet.

Forget about your age and don't think about the odds. You have an assignment - a higher calling. You know it. Demonstrate faith in your ideas, strengthen your abilities and use your talents. The world is waiting for you. Your mission is possible. Work to create a larger vision for your life and unleash the power in you to make things happen. It's your time. Make your move. You have GREATNESS within you!

-Les Brown

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