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FLBP Pink Edition

Posted October 13, 2014
Submitted by
FLBP, savethetatas

As some of you may know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! So what better way to kick off your FLBP thread with a big pink ribbon?!? Anyone who has visted the Chive On Tulsa Facebook Page knows that at the beginning of every month-I post a friendly public service announcment reminding our lovely Chivettes to be sure to perform their monthly self breast exam! As usual, I make the announcment in my own humorous way, but believe it or not, it has worked! I have receieved several e-mails and messages thanking me for reminding them to perform their self-exam because they were able to catch a problem early and have it resolved. How awesome is that!? So, to our wonderful Chivers and Chivettes this month, take an extra second to remind those you love to perform their Self Breast Exam, you know never know, you could save a life.

Big or Small-Let's Save Them All!!

All done with your Self Breast Exam? Well show off those healthy FLBP by sending your pics to



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