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Field of Dreams

Posted September 25, 2014
Submitted by Facey
abilityfield, chivecharities, charitysohard, bethechange

If you know don't know much about OK Chive, then know this- We chive for charity. There are several contributors to this thread as each of us have a special place in our souls for what we experienced this past weekend at Ability Field.

First, a little history about KCCO Ability Field. This vision was made possible by Chive Charities, CTX Sports (CTX Ability Sports is an all-inclusive organization where children with special needs can safely play sports), Bridge Church and The Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation (founded by Cal Ripken, Jr. and Bill Ripken in 2001. The Foundation uses baseball as the bridge to reach at-risk and special needs youth). KCCO Ability Field is a state-of-the-art, synthetic-turf adaptive use field specifically designed for all children with disabilities to enjoy. The Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation worked with contractors who specialize in constructing fields using the highest quality materials. The field is proportionally smaller than standard baseball fields, making the game easier to play for children with special needs. The synthetic-turf allows for children in wheelchairs to participate and is soft in case a child falls. (

The goal was set at $50,000. Chive Charities made the largest donation in history-$200,000.

Do you want to know what our Chive Nation raised? $150,000.


Below, some of us that were in attendance wanted to share our stories of what we experienced:

T-Rex: When I first saw the story from Chive Charities about wanting to build a baseball field for not just children, but special needs children, I knew this was a project I HAD to be a part of. I was quick to make my donation and watched as Chive Nation did what it does best and blew the goal out of the water. These kids were getting their baseball field. I remember telling myself it was another mission accomplished. Fast forward a couple of months and we are planning a trip to tour theCHIVE HQ and the ribbon cutting for the KCCO Ability Field was scheduled for the next day, this was something I refused to miss. Walking up to the field, watching the children play, laugh, run; It was an experience that gave me chills, brought tears to my eyes, overwhelmed me with emotion, and reminded me this is why I Chive. These kids are our future. As Jon Lorek, the man behind the dream, said "Kids, you have a home." 

Facey: I vaguely remembered the gofundme event as I am often caught up with my own little world. T-Rex reminded me about the ceremony before we got there but I never expected what I was about to witness. Quickly humbled, I stood there and watched the children play. How could I ever forget about these kids? Our future was right before us- having the best time of their lives-which was made possible because of the aformentioned sponsors. A father walked passed us with all three kids in Chive Shirts. Tears rolled down my cheek as I watched this family interact with each other and the other children on the field. I thought, "This dad is leaving a legacy." Those children with special needs will remember that day forever. I will remember that day forever. I will always find myself associated with Chive Charities because it is the change in this world. Reverend David McLain, Pastor at the Bridge Church in Hutto, spoke to the crowd and said, "If we live right and well in a tangible way-other's will follow suit. So, let your light shine before others that they may see your good works."

Basil: So many of theCHIVE's flash fundraising campaigns are something that you give your money to, know that you contributed to a good cause, and you have a sense that you just made the world a tiny bit better.  Being in Hutto, TX, seeing your average kids play and interact judgement and fear-free with special needs kids, and drinking in the atmosphere - there is no better sense of finality than that. Every donation I've ever made to Chive Charities' campaigns just became that much more precious to me, and I was filled with a sense of pride.  Not only do I know that my money will go to a good cause and to improve the lives of all of the underdogs out there... but I felt it. I saw it. To see what this field meant to so many people involved was very humbling to say the least, and I am so thankful that I had the opportunity and the open invitation to witness the power of what people who care can do when they band together. What you have availble to give doesn't matter - giving what you can means the difference between success or failure to initiatives like KCCO Ability Field. This whole experience... this is why I will back Chive Charities and their efforts to make the world a better place. 

Ollie: When i got the email from the gofundme update and saw that the Ribbon Cutting ceremony was on the day after our tour of Chive HQ, I knew that this had to be part of our trip. Donating to this campaign and given the opportunity to witness this special event in person, it gave me all the feels. Watching the kids kicking the ball, John Resig not being able to catch it, as they started running the bases, smiling and having a great time on the field. i think we all left Texas with warm hearts! Just like in the movie Field of Dreams, "If you build it, they will come!", and they sure did! Thank you, Chive Charities and everyone involved for making this dream come true for these kids!

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