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Chiver Spotlight: Mark

Posted August 14, 2014
Submitted by
mark, okchiver, chiverspotlight, ChiveSoHard

So, we thought it would be nice to shine the spotlight on some of our Chivers, and not always give it to our Chivettes.  Without provocation or having to coerce any of our Chivers into doing this, we had one of our faithful Oklahoma Chivers, who is a transplant from Alaska, volunteer (with little encouragement) to be our first official featured Chiver.  Enjoy the read, because this is one. epic. dude.

What are some of your passions?
My main passion right now is fitness. I've made huge gains in the past year as well as completing 2 Spartan races, something I never thought I'd be able to do after breaking my wrist and injuring my shoulder. I'm addicted to being a healthier and stronger me. You never know when you're going to need to carry a wounded person out of a fire fight after all.

What got you into the Chive?
My buddy Chris Martin in Alaska introduced me to the Chive. All the funny pics and women drew me in. 

Why do you continue to Chive?
What made me stay was when the Alaska chapter did their first unofficial meetup last summer. Met some great people and through the Facebook group, did tons of charity and met lots of like-minded humans. I continue to be a proud member because, let’s be honest, we are an awesome collection of people from all walks of life, and we all try to pay it forward whenever possible. Faith in humanity restored, one Chiver/Chivette at a time. 

We’ve seen some transformation pictures of you throughout the OK Chive and theBERRYOK – what motivated you to make that transformation?
I just got tired of being skinny. I had to be somewhat in shape due to the military but I never took it seriously until the last few years. I'm not the most confident or suave mo fo out there, so I also hoped seeing a body change would be a boost of self-confidence. I was always comparing myself to everyone else. I still do, to a small extent, but you can't compare your chapter 1 to someone else's chapter 20. I guess to answer the question though, I keep with it because I love the energy and I love the stress lifting weights gets rid of.  I also want to be on the cover of a fitness magazine and maybe do some body building competitions after I gain 40 more pounds! 

If you had to choose just one thing you liked the most about theCHIVE's local community - what would it be?
I love the local Chive community’s sense of humor. Ya'll can dish out jokes as well as take 'em. It says a lot about a person who can laugh at themselves, and see the humor in nearly everything. Everyone I've met (and those I just know via FB) all possess that quality and I LOVE IT!

And now, ladies and gentlemen - we present Mark...

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