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Chivette Featurette: The Alluring Megan

Posted August 07, 2014
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chivette, chivettefeaturette, megan, flbp, freyeday

We had a chance to sit down with one of our loyal and long time Chivettes, Megan, and got to pick her brain to see what makes her tick... and we'd be lying if it wasn't also because the girl is a knockout.  Without further ado, let's get to know the lady behind the curves and Fr-eye-day regular.

What are some of your passions?
I am passionate about family, friends, giving back, helping others, and my education. I am short on free time to do as much as I would like, but do my best to help others when I can find a way and a moment.

What got you into the Chive?
My husband introduced me to the Chive website for the funny pictures. The shirts, oh the shirts!   Eventually we discovered our local chapters through meet-up events, then the charities that we represent, and we've been hooked since. 

Why do you continue to Chive?
I love representing NE Oklahoma through charity fundraisers and making a difference in our local communities.  The pictures are still tons of fun and the humor gets me through the day, but making the world just a little bit better through Random Acts of Kindness are my absolute favorite!

You mentioned to me before you are in school to become a nurse - what created the interest/passion for that?
I have always wanted to help people, it is in my blood.  The power and knowledge to help people on such a personal level is amazing.  I have so much to learn and it is going to be a busy hectic road, but I am up for the challenge.

If you had to choose just one thing you liked the most about theCHIVE's local community - what would it be?
I have made so many new friends that I couldn’t imagine life without.  They have encouraged, inspired and befriended me with such ferocity that I am ignited to do the same for others.   Paying kindness forward is so special and we are privileged with the opportunity. 

Now ladies and gents... I introduce Ms. Megan.

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