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Chive Friendly Places: Grumpy's Tavern

Posted July 25, 2014
Submitted by
TulsaHighlights, HiddenGems, FancyAsFuck

Grumpy's is something that you can easily miss unless you're looking for it.  Sneakily hidden at the end of a shopping center at 47th and Harvard, Grumpy's Tavern is a new bar that's not only welcoming, but also fairly modern. At first glance, "modern" isn't necessarily the first thing that comes to mind when you look at the rest of the shopping center.  But then you get to Grumpy's part of the shopping center... Suddenly... there's a new element at play.

Starting from the outside, you can tell that everything has been well done - from the vinyl lettering and graphics on the door to the very shiny and sleek wooden deck.. Yup... Grumpy's has a big deck - we said it.  Now that the elephant in the room is out in the open, let's continue.  Enjoying the pretty fancy-pantsed graphical detail on the door, you step through into quite the sight.

The first thing you'll notice about this place will be the decor. The carpet is very modern and compliments all of the tones of the bar rather well, and gives the place an incredibly homey feel to it.  As you might take time to admire all of the liquor and beer company swag on the wall, you'll get to appreciate some nostaligic and vintage throwbacks to old sports teams, old-school brands, and a plethora of neon signs, signs, and more pimptastic signs.  Ok... now let's take the first actual step beyond the threshold and into the actual bar.

To your immediate left is a brand new model of Golden Tee - which is a pretty bad ass game to play and enjoy a few beverages.  There's even a TV right above it so you don't even have to strain your neck if you want to watch the game! Very well thought out there, Grumpy's... well thought out indeed. Plenty of tables for comfortable seating makes for epic conversation without having to worry so much about your back aching for days after - your ass will also thank you for that little note.

Towards the back of the tavern, there's a pool table with a bad ass Jager light above it - which in itself is a showpiece of the bar. Rack 'em up, knock 'em down, kick a few back, and ... wait... what's that right next to the pool table?  A motha-truckin' jukebox?! No way!.... YES WAY!! Get the music flowing, and start having yourself a good time.  And th.... wait... where's my beer?  Hmm... Guess we should go to the bar.

The bar itself is pretty damn nice and sleek... one sexy bar. At any rate, the girls behind the bar look better, so let's look there.  It also helps that the staff is pretty damn friendly, there are drinks a plenty, and Grumpy's has some of your favorite beers on tap (including Angry Orchard).  While you're waiting for it to pour, take a look around and you'll start noticing quite a few things that you may have missed because you were so parched.  Everything around the bar is carefully thought out and planned to give you plenty of eyegasms while you wait - I mean, we have to appease our ADD natured inner Chivers after all, don't we?  Ah... there's your beer.  Pick it up and get your ass back to the table to you can enjoy more shenanigans with your friends. 

All right... I'll leave you guys to your drinks.  Just so you know... Grumpy's Tavern opened its doors.... TODAY (July 25th)!  The owner has graciously offered to pay for all of our Chiver's first round of drinks if they go out there tonight if you wear a Chive shirt or tell your waitress or bartender that you were sent by the OK Chive. So if you're in the area, want to check out this fantastic little hidden gem, I strongly encourage you to do so. Plus, the fact you get a free drink on the house just for wearing a shirt you already love is pretty amazeballs.  Get your asses to Grumpy's enjoy a few brews with good company, and enjoy a chill night with good company at a place that is more than welcoming to such great company.

Oh! And if you do get out there... (and by there we mean 4775 S Harvard Ave, Tulsa, OK 74153) be on the lookout for the guy in the Chive Everywhere shirt - that's Donnie Gendron - the man, the myth, the legend himself.  A huge Chiver, and one bad assed individual.

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