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Chivette Featurette: The Lovely Bonnie

Posted July 15, 2014
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#ChiveSoHard, #Bonnie, #HeartOfGold, #MindtheGap, #FLBP, #humptyhump

We like to do what we can to pay back the Chivettes and Chivers that really help up our game. Not only do they provide us with amazing content for thread and are active at events, but some of our Chivettes send in pictures that match the theme of the day that make those threads look 10x better with a single picture.  Bonnie is one of those Chivettes that ups the quality of every thread that she's in time and time again while maintaining a sense of class and sophistication - sexy and classy is a hard balance to achieve.

In an effort to recognize the Chivettes who not only do their best to support the OK Chive or help fill content on threads, but also are active at events and in the community.  We wanted to dedicate a thread specifically to Bonnie's awesomeness and amazing pictures, but also take a moment to get to know the woman behind the moments of captured beauty. Below are some basic questions we asked Bonnie, and also why she has chosen and continues to choose the Chive way of life.

What are some of your passions in life?
If I could make a living at it, I would be a lifelong student. Learning, to me, is a precious privilege, and that doesn't just apply to college credits. I believe that the people we meet day to day can teach us more about life, love, forgiveness, faith, and empathy for the human condition than any college textbook ever could. And I also put a huge emphasis on compassion, forgiveness, and showing kindness and mercy to others. Luke 14:12-14 says that we should bestow kindness to those who have no means of repaying us. Who am I, if I only ever do nice things for people who can do the same for me? I'm also an animal lover!

What got you into the chive?
The Chive found me at a time when I was bitter, broken, destitute, and beginning  to lose my faith in the goodness of others. I found the charity aspect, peppered with the uproarious humor and tasteful debauchery was just what I needed to take my mind away from my personal struggles. I wasn't looking for a family, but that is what I found. After attending a few unofficial meetups, I got to know people that, I feel, I will know for life and that I can lean on during any hardship.

Why do you continue to chive?
Knowing that I play a part in making a difference in people's lives by being active at the fundraisers and charity events is a major pull for me. Even though my voice is small and my ability to make an impact alone is comparatively measly, the impact made by the collective army that I belong to is astounding. The family I have found as a result of becoming a Chivette is something I am daily thankful for as well. They have impacted my life in a wonderful way, and I am indebted to my fellow Chivers and the love they have shown me. I firmly feel that I will be getting my Chive on for the remainder of my days predominantly because of those two things.

What are some of your favorite themed threads and why?
I love the threads that exhibit the difference we have made in our community and the fun we have had doing so. They remind me that, even though I'm just one girl, I still make a difference, and plan to continue doing just that. Additionally, and among other threads, I am a regular FLBP submitter, and the girls on those threads always get my vote. Being an animal lover, I'm also a sucker for Caturday threads.

If you were talking to a person who knew nothing of theCHIVE, what would you say to give them some insight?
I think theCHIVE means a lot of different things to everyone. But to me, theCHIVE is an organization filled with big hearted people who are anxious to turn their pockets inside out for their fellow man, taking every opportunity, however small, to make their generosity a contagion,  all the while overindulging in ice cold lager and putting a high value on a jaw dropping Burnsday pic. TheCHIVE is not a website, or a thought, or an event to go to, or a gap to mind, or a t-shirt slogan, or a $5 bill stuck underneath a windshield wiper with a post-it note attached saying "KCCO!" It's a way of living your life for the betterment of others. But for heaven's sake, mind that gap!

What are some of your plans or ways you would like to contribute to OK Chive and your community?
I have but two talents: kissing and knitting. While I don't foresee a respectable means of using my kissing talents to raise money for a good cause, I can imagine using my knitting skills to make the world, or rather, the city of Tulsa, a warmer place. I plan on knitting infant, child and adolescent size hats for the patients at St. Francis Children's Hospital. I have modified my favorite adult hat pattern to fit little people, and I have already knitted a few noggin warmers. I can't wait to accumulate a bunch and finally hand them out to the patients at the Children's Hospital. 

Without further ado.... Bonnie...

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