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Say Hello to Wynette

Posted July 01, 2014
Submitted by
#wynette, #ChiveSoHard, #GirlsWithMuscles, #InkedChivettes, #FitChivette

We like to do what we can to pay back the Chivettes and Chivers that really help up our game. Not only do they provide us with amazing content at events, but some of our Chivettes send in pictures that match the theme of the day, and make it look 10x better with a single picture.  Wynette is one of those Chivettes that ups the quality of every thread that she's in.  

With that, we wanted to dedicate a thread specifically to her awesomeness and just how well she pulls off the #FitChivette status, but also take a moment to get to know the woman behind the pose. Below are some basic questions we asked Wynette, and also why she chooses the Chive way of life.

What are some of your passions?
My passions all center around fitness, nutrition, motivation, and inspiration. I LOVE lifting weights and I'm constantly a work in progress. I love helping others in these areas! 

What got you into the Chive?
I had heard of the Chive before and knew it was popular but only recently really learned what it was all about thanks to OK Chive.

Why do you continue to Chive?
What I see in the Chive is a group of big hearted people who take time out of their busy schedules to go above and beyond to do things to help people. I've already met great people and made new friends in a very short time. I'm honored to be associated with such an awesome group of people!

Why is fitness such a big part of your life?
Fitness became a huge part of my life when I made the decision to become healthy in mind and body. I was formerly anorexic and struggled with food and my body image. I learned to care for had to be a priority at the time and along the way, I learned to love the process. The more I saw changes in my body, the more I wanted and the more I wanted to rise above. I fought off my demons and realized that I wanted to separate myself from the norm. To top it all off, I'm raising 2 daughters and my goal is to help them have a great body image and build their confidence so they don't struggle as I did. 

What motivated you to break the mold by becoming a girl with muscles?
I love what muscles do for the physique, male and female alike. I want to show people that muscles on a woman can be beautiful and can be sexy. They don't have to manly. I also want to prove to women everywhere that a fit body can be achieved regardless of having children or regardless of age. The key is just to keeping going forward, never settle for complacency or normalcy, and to never give up. 

Without further ado... Wynette...

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