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Posted June 25, 2014
Submitted by Facey

“What is theBERRY?” you ask? From daily motivational images such as weight loss transformations, inspirational quotes, and people putting in work at the gym, to hot Chivers that repay their Berries and Chivettes back for just how epic they are theBERRY is for everything that SHE saw. We speak in hashtags at times, and we have a tendency to do what we want (DWWW).

This is our first thread by your theBERRYOK admins, so we are going to introduce you to some of our favorite Oklahoma things that range from our favorite hashtag we created (#beardsthatberry- Chivers who aren’t afraid to admit they want to see what she saw, too) to our second most favorite- #hmotb. This stands for Hot Men Of The Berry. Trust me, my handsome fellas, this is an honor if we choose to bestow it upon you, and you’re gonna wanna get it!!

There is so much content we want to share with you, so give us some feedback and let us know what you would like to see more of-but never less of-cause we pretty much DoWWW. Be sure you download theBERRY app on your smart phone because we all know you need to waste more time at work or in the bathroom when you’re tired of creepin’ on the crapper.

Want to get featured on one of our threads? Feel free to send in your BERRY-worthy pics here.


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