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Friday Night Football

Posted June 13, 2014
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For those of you who have not had the opportunity to experience just exacly what Australian Rules Football is all about, tonight is one of three chances that you will have to see your Tulsa Buffaloes and Oklahoma City Bison take the field at home.

The Tulsa Buffaloes have a pretty grueling schedule that keeps them on the road for over 1/2 of the season, with only one or two games slated to be at home.  If you enjoy sports, then we can guarantee that you'll absolutely love tonight's show.  We've got a sneak peak at the line-up and let's just say... you really do not want to miss this game.

Admission is free, but visit the event page to learn all the pariculars for tonight's show. Hope to see you all out there.

Friday Night Football

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