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OK Chive - Site Usage Guide

Posted June 11, 2014
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Don't let the thread title fool you - we're not going to get all crazy sophisticated in telling you what all is on the site.  I mean let's face it, we are Chivers, and we don't like to get technical unless we absolutely have to.  So with that said, Let's go over some of the basics.

As of right now, we've only got a few threads up and running. Over time, this will increase to be several threads every day - each one delivered by one of your OK Chive admins. We are not in full swing with this just yet, but will be posting a thread here and there to sate your appetite for MOAR OK Chive stuffs. Enjoy what we roll out, but feel free to Submit a Photo to us in the interim while we work out all of the necessary kinks and such to get our threads really flowing.  As of today, we are looking at a go-ilve date with more consistent threads posting at a much higher frequency by 06/23/14.

Thread Filter
What do you want to see?We know we're going to get asked, "What's up with the gender icons at the top of the page?"  Well silly goose, that is our Thread Filter feature.... subsequently, we then anticipate a "WTF is a 'thread filter'?! Sounds dangerous!!"  We assure you, it's not.  It simply allows our visitors to filter the content based on what they want to see.  If you want to see threads that feature and celebrate the epic nature and beauty of our Chivettes - click the female gender icon.  If you want to see 6-packs, cases, or kegs - click the male gender icon.  Regardless of whichever you choose, the non-gender specific threads such as this one will always display... that's right... you can't get rid of this post... ever...

Thread Interaction
Like, we've made our threads and posts interactive for our audience.  Using Disqus, you can log in using any major social media outlet you prefer to make the registration process quick and painless. Comment, upvote or downvote, and reply to comments left by others - do whatever you choose, but keep it classy.  People that bully, troll, or post inappropriate or disrespectful things in the comments section will have that comment removed. Repeated violations will cause us to ban your ip address from the website. We want this to be a fun experience for all, so, to help us not be the bad guy - let's play nice... mmkay? 

About Us
You'll notice at the top that there's an "About" page link.  That gives you an idea of what theCHIVE is, why we as a group of 20 admins have come together to collaborate on this website, and more information specifically about theCHIVE chapters listed on the map.

Pretty self explanatory - this will highlight every event that we have coming up in the near future.  Find out all of the information that you need to know about where that event is, how to get there, admission fees (if any), drink and food specials, and a general description of what the event is all about.

Submit a Photo
This is the page that you use to... wait for it... submit a photo... to the OK Chive.  That's about as straightforward as we get here at the OK Chive. In the submission form you will see a bunch of different themes to choose from, so choose whichever one you think applies the most to the photo your're submitting.  If it fits what we think it should be, then we will publish that with other threads.

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