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OK Chive - Site Usage Guide

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There's plenty of flashy things that are available on the website, so we felt our Chivers should know exactly what they are. Even better, we want you all to know what fancy pants things we have planned for down the road.

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For Chivers

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This is just a very small gallery to prove to our Chivers that the filter at the top of the page can either hide or show whatever content you prefer to see - allowing our audience to filter out what they don't want to see so what they care about is delivered right to their fingertips.

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For Chivettes

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This is just a very small gallery to prove to our Chivettes that the filter at the top of the page can either hide or show whatever content you prefer to see - allowing our audience to filter out what they don't want to see so what they care about is delivered right to their fingertips.

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'Merican Dream Float

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Plenty of 'merican flags, lots of shenanigans, and a heavy dose of epic Chivers. Take a look at how your OK Chivers established dominance on the Illinois River this past Saturday, June 7th.

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OK Chive Launched

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Probably one of the single most exciting things that we as the OK Chive have done to date has been the roll out of and official launch of our website.

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