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Filtered Pets

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Does this filter make my fur look big?

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Keeping Cleaner Communities in Oklahoma

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It's awesome seeing our Chivers and Chivettes come together to make our communities 10% cleaner.

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Ink'O De Mayo!

Submitted by Bob

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Celebrate with a little INK!

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Motivational Monday: Your Future Is Bright!

Submitted by Don

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Get rid of them! Kick your fears, excuses and reasons for procrastinating to the curb. It is time to act boldly on your own behalf! Decide to live a larger life! Refuse to play it small or safe. This is not a game. It is your life. Stop trying to please everybody else and make their life better. You can serve others best when you are centered and live a happy life!!

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May The 4th Be With You!

Submitted by Bob

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Congratulations! The force is strong with this one.

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Got Cat Scratch Fever?

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If left untreated, you may end up with a dog. No one wants that!

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There Are Tiny Chivers Among Us.

Submitted by Bob

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Little Chiver Fr-EYE-Day!

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GOOD Eats!

Submitted by Vic

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What if I told you food can look and taste good while also being good for you? Oh yeah, and Peanut Butter!!

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Full steam, or I mean throttle, ahead!

Submitted by Chucks

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We as Americans love to go full throttle, all the time!

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Resist The Red, Can't Resist The Smile

Submitted by Heather

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Redheads aren't all soul stealers.....just kidding we are, but at least we can do it with a beautiful smile on our face!

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