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Behind the Scenes

Posted October 06, 2016
Submitted by Facey
chivecharities, charity, community, specialkidscare, specialplayground

Back in August, John Resig (CEO/Godfather/Cofounder of theCHIVE) came to Tulsa, OK to take a look around Special Kid's Care at the request of Angie Cone, a Chive Charities Super Heroine. Together with OK CHIVE, they planned on making a dream become a reality. In just a few short months, theCHIVE would launch a flash charity campaign for the underfunded school.

Special Kid's Care is in desperate need of a new playground. They are one of the only schools in the Tulsa Metro that service special needs children who can play and socialize with peers from infants to school age children. Their motto is "Inclusion for All". Let that resonate a bit before we tell you about their playground. Inclusion for all.

The playground is a sight for sore eyes to a child without special needs yet a learning and social barrier for the children who can't play independently. Inaccessibility due to wheelchairs or other physical limitiations leave children on the sidelines. They get to watch and remain stationary as their friends enjoy interacting through play. We started raising money for their playground over a year ago but knew we had exhausted all our local resources. We encouraged Mrs. Jo to apply for a Chive Charities grant and that became a catalyst to a life changing process.

Today, Chive Charities is launching a flash campaign for a new playground. Any donation amount will help. Nothing is too small nor insignificant. Everything matters. We are the innovators of their future. Show these children how to be kinder than expected. Inspire them by your bigness. Deliver more than what is needed. Restore their freedom. Change their world. Build their playground.

You can donate >>> HERE <<<. 

Also- in case you missed it- Edward Norton is behind this whole thing. Edward. Norton. LIKE WHOA. OKAY.  Do we still have your attention? So, setup a personal fundraising campaign on Crowdrise. If you raise more than $500 dollars, you can have a stab at a trip to NYC, visit with the superstar, meet John Resig, and prolly a few other things that you'll more than likely love.

This. Is. HUGE.

Here is a look at the behind-the-scenes-action when the big wigs came and played.

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